Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Reason to Buy Home Depot Stock

Steph and I went to lowes tonight to order a vanity top for our new bathroom. A few days ago we checked the price and we learned it was $650.00. While this isn't cheap, really I though this was the best I could do because we have a bathroom vanity that is a really odd size, so we were forced to pretty much special order the expensive custom top.

When we priced the top at Lowes we asked the guy when would be a good time to come in and place the order. He said anytime would be fine.

We showed up at Lowes tonight with money in hand ready to order the vanity. That's when the trouble started. First I couldn't find anyone to help me in the bathroom section. It's hard enough for a guy to belittle himself to ask for help, let alone to make him scavange the store shouting help me on the top of his lungs. When we did find someone who could help us he informed us that the bathroom specialist is on a 30 minute dinner break. So basically we would be forced to just wait around for someone to help us. I turned to steph and said, that's it....we're going to home depot.

When we arrived at home depot we learned that they actually carry the same special order vanity tops! Better yet, for the same damn item it was $100 less!! and to top it off the lady helping us was a) available, b) pleasant and c) knowledgable. Needless to say, Home depot kicked Lowes ass tonight in the epic battle between home improvement centers. I might have to buy home depot stock one of these days.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Brillig said...

Kickin' ass at HD! I hate poor customer service. At the same time though I hate over-zelous customer service. It has to be just right. Now, are you going to install that counter yourself?

At 7:35 PM, Blogger super_spam said...

Awe a follow up to this post, the lady who issued the quote actually underpriced the vanity by $50.00. She called up trying to get us to shell out extra cash but alas we relented and they had to give it to us for the quote.

Incompetance. It plagues the air of the southeast.

I'm the master of bathroom renovation now, so naturally I'll be installing this countertop. Shouldn't be tough compared to all the crazy stuff we've done in there so far.


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