Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas Cleaning

Stephanie just informed me that lake effect snow is forcast for Buffalo! Just in time for the place to be snow-slammed for when Stephanie and I arrive a little over a week from now.

Man I miss the snow!

The Christmas season has been pretty decent so far, despite the lack of cold weather in Savannah. Steph has really helped to get in the holiday season by decorating the house and reminding me to buy presents. I've got some great presents this year....of course I can't elaborate on them because snooping eyes might be reading this blog. I'm under the sad delusion that thousands of geeks standby waiting for the next installment of this mangy cyber rag.

We had a work christmas party on Saturday night. It was a pretty great time but surprisingly many people were sort of nervous and stuck-up due to the"work" social setting. I'm still contemplating what contributed to the high levels of pretension. Maybe people think that our "work" is a real professional sort of place so these sorts of social gatherings should be a semi-elite engagement. Fortunately I don't suffer from any such delusions of grandeur. For one, I don't get near enough pay to be high and mighty. Really, I'm closer to being homeless than elite with all the christmas spending lately. So I did my best not to let other people's pomp mess with my cool mojo.

I was supposed to clean the house today but I got too pissy to make much progress. To me, cleaning is a sort of triviality that's required but isn't really that gratifying when it's finished. You don't earn money by cleaning, it doesn't accrue any interest and your efforts are only doomed to decay over time to where you are right back where you started from. So really I'm at a crappy crossroads here. To clean or not to clean. If I don't, it might get worse. If I do, I'll regret the efforts spent in vain. Really the best solution is to hire an immigrant worker to clean for me. That's the ticket!


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